Friday 7 November 2014

Wardrobe Party

Wouldn't it be lovely to have a wardrobe with it's very own personality that helps dress you each day? Imagine if it could tell you what does and doesn't look good, or even offers advice on what to choose instead.. "Remember how amazing you felt in that navy dress you wore to Aunty Kate's wedding?", "Oooo you haven't worn these jeans in a while, they would look HOT!" or "Definitely the black pumps with that skirt and blouse". Wouldn't that be fantastic?!

Well I think with a couple of catchup dates with your wardrobe, your relationship can get back on track. Try to get reacquainted with the great staples you own, as well as the fun pieces you may have bought on a whim but aren't sure how to style. Throw on your favourite feel-good music and have a mini wardrobe party all by yourself. Try things on and just have fun with it! If something isn't working, then put it aside. Unwanted or unnecessary items can make room for new garments in the future. I find cleaning out my wardrobe to be more refreshing then adding to it sometimes.

Before you know it, your wardrobe will be whispering sweet nothings to you each time you open it. Adding emotions and memories to clothes is so powerful. The way something makes you feel or remembering a lovely compliment you received when wearing a particular outfit will stay with you. Treat yourself with that same feeling by wearing your fav garments on a regular basis and your confidence will thank you.

Dee x

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