Thursday 27 November 2014

Baby Brain

After the recent birth of my son, my brain is still well and truly in baby mode. It's amazing to think that this tiny human becomes the centre of your universe in an instant. Luckily he's such a massive cutie so I totally don't mind! I figured I'd role with this train of thought to create a maternity themed post for anyone who is currently pregnant or plans to become pregnant sometime in the future.

Dressing when pregnant is hard. And when I say hard, I mean really bloody hard. It's such an exciting and unbelievable time when your body completely changes while this little life is growing inside you. Until you are pregnant, it's impossible to imagine how much your body will change and the daily challenges you may face. Your newfound girth means that it's impossible to look at your toes (no pretty pedicures for me!); you all of a sudden bump into benches and door frames all. the. time; and you may stare aimlessly at your wardrobe each day with the devastating realisation that you literally have nothing to wear! The latter was certainly my situation in the final few weeks when my body had expanded to it's maximum and I was literally ready to pop.

I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of the whole 'maternity fashion' trend. I'm not even entirely sure of why I steer clear of it to be completely honest. I think I'm mildly skeptical of a lot of the maternity clothes because it does seem like the price is increased because of the word 'maternity' on the care label.  I think it's important for expectant mums to know that you don't necessarily have to purchase something from the 'maternity' section of the stores or online boutiques. There are lots of suitable styles that will work with your prego bod, you just have to know what to look for. 

I purchased very few new clothes throughout my pregnancy because I was adamant that I would make do with what I had as much as I could. I figured that spending a stupid amount of money on new clothes that would only fit for a 9 month period wasn't the smartest way to shop. It did work in my favour that I'm a big fan of layering clothes and mostly prefer looser fitting garments (with the exception of jeans, which caused me the most grief throughout my Winter pregnancy!). If tight fitting tops and dresses is more your style, then it's safe to say you may need to purchase a fair few more pieces then I did.

So what are my top 5 pregnancy purchases to add to your wardrobe?


This is a bit of a no-brainer as everybody has heard of maternity bras. For the ladies who wear underwire bras normally, it's especially important for you to consider switching to a great maternity bra (or two) earlier in the pregnancy. The underwire in normal bras sits directly on the milk ducts and can cause problems with milk supply or perhaps even lead to painful infections later on. I started wearing maternity bras from about 3 months in. We are so lucky to have a range of pretty maternity lingerie in stores this day and age compared to the plain, nude, extremely unsexy styles of decades past. The best bras I found were by Chloe & Lola from Myer. I even purchased during a 'buy 2 get the 3rd free' sale.. score! Plus I received lovely compliments from the midwives in hospital who declared my bras were WAY too nice to be maternity. Trust me, when you're so sleep deprived and your body feels like it's falling apart at the seams, a compliment like that makes you feel ahhhmazing!


This was without a doubt the best thing I purchased all pregnancy. I found mine at Big W for around $25 and probably should've purchased 2, but was able to make do with 1. I was bursting out of my skinny jeans pretty early on and this band was an absolute lifesaver! As I was pregnant throughout Winter and my 'work uniform' consisted of pretty much jeans every day, I would've been lost without this band. It's pretty much just a stretchy bit of fabric, similar to a bandeau, that holds your jeans in place when the button and zip are completely undone. It's so simple and so discreet and a MUST to get through pregnancy wearing your usual jeans or pants. By the end of the pregnancy, jeans were a no-go zone altogether, but I was very happy to have a good 7-8 months of regular wear without needing to purchase a pair of 'maternity jeans'.


This style of dress looks great with or without pregnancy. The loose, shapeless style through the body means the size of your stomach is irrelevant. I'm a big fan of tunic dresses with tights and boots for a fun Winter look, or team them with a hat and sandals for a fresh Summer outfit. Anything works. I purchased a couple of tunic dresses from ASOS (in the normal women's fashion section, not the maternity page) and they worked so well right up until my due date. I'll definitely continue to wear them post-pregnancy because they are so dam comfortable.


If you're planning to breastfeed your new bub, this is a really important one. Having button-up garments means less time fiddling around awkwardly trying to undress while your new baby is crying for a feed. I have to admit that I didn't even consider this until my trusty Mum said I should look at getting a button-up nightie (especially handy for the hospital stay!) as well as anything else with buttons to make my life easier. I purchased a beautiful nightie from Peter Alexander and once again, it's totally suitable for post pregnancy/breastfeeding. Button-up shirts will also make breastfeeding easier, although loose t-shirts have so far been ok for me.


Having tops or dresses made from jersey fabric is so handy during pregnancy. They are lightweight and have a beautiful stretch which means they can grow with your body. Not everybody is comfortable showing off their baby bump in all it's glory, but I personally think it's so beautiful. I usually had mine covered up because it was Winter, but a couple of jersey dresses I owned worked perfectly in the later stages of pregnancy when I just wanted something easy and comfortable to wear. It's lovely to be able to enjoy your new shapely figure while it lasts. Your core body temperature also feels about 10 degrees hotter then it ever did pre-pregnancy, so breathable fabrics are super important.

So there you have it, a few things I couldn't live without during my pregnancy. There are plenty more ideas and suitable styles out there to help other mums-to-be. Just remember to spend money wisely and before going on a shopping spree, try to go right through your current wardrobe to see exactly what can and can't be worn. There may just be a dress or two that had been banished to the back of your wardrobe that would be perfect for your prego bod. Be inspired by your beautiful new shape and enjoy every minute.

Dee x

Monday 10 November 2014

Monday Moodboard - Grey

I have to admit that before writing this post I did look up the word 'grey' in Wikipedia to check the definition. Yes, yes I know it sounds completely crazy because everyone knows grey. BUT, what is it actually?? A colour, a shade or a tone? This was what stumped me when I decided on the theme for today's moodboard.

Wikipedia to the rescue! According to the trusty web encyclopedia, it is in fact a colour 'without colour'. Interesting... you learn something new every day right?

So back to this wonderful colourless colour. As mentioned in the above wiki blurb, it's often associated with being boring, dull or conforming. Although I can see how people may feel like that, I couldn't disagree more! I think grey is fresh and timeless. It has a beautiful relaxed feel to it (especially when used in knitwear) and compliments all skin and hair tones. 

A common theme in my wardrobe is grey marl and I find that I'm drawn to just about every type of garment in this fabric when out shopping. One of my all time favourite pieces is a long line grey marl cashmere cardigan. I bought it 7 years ago when I was working in a Fashion Agency. It felt like such a splurge at the time, but I have treasured it ever since and practically live in it every Winter. And the best part of all, it literally goes with e v e r y t h i n g. Now I'm no financial expert, but 7 years of consistent wear sounds like a dam good investment to me!

So whether grey is your kind of 'colour' or not, give it a try one time! You may just surprise yourself with how easy it fits in your wardrobe or how well it compliments your hair or skin tone. Try teaming it with navy for a beautiful, polished look; denim for casual, everyday wear; blush pink for a pretty combo; or classic white for a fresh Summer look. Or throw everything out the window and discover your own favourite combination. 
Fashion is about having fun and enjoying your unique sense of style.

Dee x

Pics - Pinterest

Friday 7 November 2014

Wardrobe Party

Wouldn't it be lovely to have a wardrobe with it's very own personality that helps dress you each day? Imagine if it could tell you what does and doesn't look good, or even offers advice on what to choose instead.. "Remember how amazing you felt in that navy dress you wore to Aunty Kate's wedding?", "Oooo you haven't worn these jeans in a while, they would look HOT!" or "Definitely the black pumps with that skirt and blouse". Wouldn't that be fantastic?!

Well I think with a couple of catchup dates with your wardrobe, your relationship can get back on track. Try to get reacquainted with the great staples you own, as well as the fun pieces you may have bought on a whim but aren't sure how to style. Throw on your favourite feel-good music and have a mini wardrobe party all by yourself. Try things on and just have fun with it! If something isn't working, then put it aside. Unwanted or unnecessary items can make room for new garments in the future. I find cleaning out my wardrobe to be more refreshing then adding to it sometimes.

Before you know it, your wardrobe will be whispering sweet nothings to you each time you open it. Adding emotions and memories to clothes is so powerful. The way something makes you feel or remembering a lovely compliment you received when wearing a particular outfit will stay with you. Treat yourself with that same feeling by wearing your fav garments on a regular basis and your confidence will thank you.

Dee x

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Treat - No Bake Energy Bites

Oh boy did I discover a delicious treat this week! Thanks to my trusty friend Pinterest, I found this little beauty when browsing 'healthy snacks' and had to make them straight away. They're called No Bake Energy Bites and they are the perfect mix of naughty and nice ingredients (my kind of snack food).

If you're anything like me, you have a silent chocolate-o-clock internal alarm that goes off every day at around 3pm. My sweet tooth cries out for any and every kind of treat to help make it through the afternoon. These little beauties will curb that sugar craving without the need for any guilt or horrible bloated feeling after eating something really unhealthy. They're also sweet enough that 2-3 energy bites is plenty for a quick afternoon snack. Trust me, I've got a mega sweet tooth and these are ideal!

So now for the recipe.. you can find the link here but I've also written it below. Enjoy!

Dee x


1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup chocolate chips or cacao nibs (I used dark chocolate chips)
1/3 cup honey or agave nectar (I used agave because it's a low glycemic sweetener)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed (I used LSA mix instead)
2/3 cup coconut flakes
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients then chill in the fridge for about 30 mins.
Roll mixture into around 25-30 balls.
These can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for up to a week. 

Monday 3 November 2014

Monday Moodboard - Denim

I looove denim. I can't really think of a reason why not to love denim... it goes with just about anything and looks good on everybody. Yes, everybody. For anyone who may be rolling their eyes thinking that jeans don't suit them, denim has so much more potential then just jeans! Think about it.. there are fab denim skirts out there, denim shorts, denim jackets (which look fantastic with a cute summer dress!) or even denim accessories such as hats, bags or shoes for a cool alternative to the traditional accessories.

Denim is a wonderful, durable fabric that can be dyed in any colour. I'm a sucker for the traditional blue denim myself, but I love the potential that white, black, coloured or printed denim brings to any wardrobe. What I really love about denim is the distressed look that come from lots of wear! Other then leather, I can't think of another fabric or garment that improves with wear and age. There's a reason why vintage (and I mean seriously vintage!) denim is so highly sought after in op shops, vintage stores or even markets.

So invest in some smart denim purchases and treasure them forever! Be experimental - double up the denim, dress it down, layer it with shirts or knitwear, customise it or chop pre-loved jeans for a fresh new addition to your wardrobe without the added expense. The options are endless!

Dee x

Pics - Pinterest