Tuesday 3 February 2015


There was a knock at the door yesterday afternoon. I was quite taken aback since I wasn't expecting anybody; nor was I prepared for anything as I carried out my usual afternoon activities in my trackies with unbrushed and unwashed hair thrown into a top knot. Who on earth could it be? Apprehensively, I open the door to discover it was none other than 'opportunity' knocking. What a nice surprise!

Opportunity presents itself at the most unexpected times. Sometimes it offers a brand new idea to consider, one that perhaps takes some careful consideration before commiting. It may even have some risks attached to it which may further complicate the situation, yet offer an even more incredible outcome if it pays off. Alternatively, opportunity may enable you to revisit an old idea. A chance to grow from your original encounter and continue to move towards a bigger goal.

Regardless of what opportunity is bringing to your place, make sure you invite them inside for a cuppa or glass of wine, chat about your options and consider everything before answering. It's human nature to reject the unfamiliar or repel change without even thinking. Be open to new things, willing to work hard and perhaps take a risk or two. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be daunting, but the joy of overcoming a challenge and conquering any preconceived fears is worth it.

In my case, opportunity presented a chance to work with a new company, in a role that is not necessarily my forte. As I'm currently on maternity leave, work really hadn't crossed my mind just yet so the opportunity took me completely by surprise. But with an offer to work from home in what sounds like a fun position, I'm open to the challenge and excited for what may happen from here.

So whatever the offer, try not to turn opportunity away if it comes knocking. It's true what they say - opportunity doesn't knock twice.

"If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you 
can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later." Richard Branson

Dee x

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