Thursday 29 January 2015

Goldie Locks

Right now I'm feeling fresh as a daisy after a long overdue hair appointment. I don't get my hair done very often, but every time I feel like a new person. It's amazing how a few foils and a nice cut can make a huge difference in not only your appearance, but your mood. I had dull, outgrown hair and therefore felt pretty dull myself. When I feel down about myself, I find it difficult finding suitable outfits each day and feel self-conscious and never quite happy with my appearance. That's when I know I need to spend some time for myself to improve my mood and self confidence. 

If you ever feel dull or self-conscious, try a little indulgent beauty treatment to lift your spirits. It could be a mani/pedi, a massage, facial, hair treatment or something as simple and inexpensive as a relaxing bath or body scrub. I promise it will have you feeling like a new person and then you can step out with confidence and a happy glow. Clothes look a million times better on someone who shines from the inside out.

Dee x

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