Thursday 29 January 2015

Goldie Locks

Right now I'm feeling fresh as a daisy after a long overdue hair appointment. I don't get my hair done very often, but every time I feel like a new person. It's amazing how a few foils and a nice cut can make a huge difference in not only your appearance, but your mood. I had dull, outgrown hair and therefore felt pretty dull myself. When I feel down about myself, I find it difficult finding suitable outfits each day and feel self-conscious and never quite happy with my appearance. That's when I know I need to spend some time for myself to improve my mood and self confidence. 

If you ever feel dull or self-conscious, try a little indulgent beauty treatment to lift your spirits. It could be a mani/pedi, a massage, facial, hair treatment or something as simple and inexpensive as a relaxing bath or body scrub. I promise it will have you feeling like a new person and then you can step out with confidence and a happy glow. Clothes look a million times better on someone who shines from the inside out.

Dee x

Thursday 1 January 2015


It sure is a nice day to begin a brand new year! I hope 2015 has been wonderful for you so far.

I've always found New Years Day to be a little strange for me. Sure I love a good public holiday during Summer just as much as the next person, but it's the new beginning that always gets me thinking.. After living 365 (or occasionally 366) days and 12 months, time hits the refresh button and we start back at 01.01 again. (I have literally had the Brian McKnight song 'Back At One' in my head all day!). We will never get the previous year back, it just goes into the history book while the memories stay with us. And the brand new year that has started brings with it a fresh slate to create new memories.

New Year is a time for reflection. Are you happy with the past year? Did you achieve what you wanted? Did you grow as a person?... So many questions that may run through your mind as you consider the past year and look towards the future. If these are the type of questions you think about as well, then I hope all answers are YES! If not, then I think this new year (like all others) brings a perfect opportunity to start fresh and make positive changes that will ensure you can look back and be dam proud of the person you are and what you may have achieved in a year.

Achievements don't need to be anything big or extravagant. You definitely don't need to purchase a jet in order to look back and think 'hey, I did good last year!'. Perhaps you achieved a new personal best in a sport you like, or made a new group of friends, or were just an overall nicer or more confident person then you had been in the past. These are all things to be proud of.

I'm really not a fan of new years resolutions. I think they put too much pressure on people and more often then not, set people up to fail. We are always told to dream big, and I'm certainly no exception to this. Are my crazy dreams going to become reality in one year? No. Everything takes time and effort. But small changes and a positive outlook on life is totally achievable. Aim to have a great year, not do great things in one year. 

So cheers to a brand new year! I sure hope it's one to remember. If anyone is looking to improve their wardrobe or gain some clothing confidence, then hopefully I can assist you on that journey.

Dee x